CAP Executive Board: 2022-2023
President: Gregory Carlson PRP
Treasurer: Janice Gray, RP

Beta Gaveliers
2nd Tuesday 10:00 AM
Lone Tree Library – 10055 Library Way, Lone Tree, CO 80124
Kathy Hammer

Gamma Gaveliers
2nd Tuesday 9:30 AM
District 2 Police Station
3921 Holly St.
Denver, CO
Helene Ward

Omega Gaveliers
3rd Monday 7:00 PM
Leyden Chiles Wickersham
American Legion Post #1
5400 E. Yale Ave.
Denver, CO
Jeff Moser

Colorado Springs
4th Saturday 10:00 AM
Stetson Hills Police Station Community Room
4110 Tutt Blvd and Zoom
Colorado Springs, CO
Gregory Carlson
The Colorado Association of Parliamentarians (CAP) is a non-profit, educational organization composed of parliamentarians and students interested and trained in parliamentary procedure. CAP is a division of the National Association of Parliamentarians® (NAP).
The current edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised (RONR) is the parliamentary authority for both NAP and CAP.
Local study units are composed of students, members, registered, and professional registered members. The units generally meet monthly to study parliamentary procedure with a high level of individual participation. Members learn by doing and progress at their own rate of speed.